Information about processing of Personal Data

We process personal data about you when you visit Nyfosa’s website, apply for a job at Nyfosa, are a tenant, have a parking space or another right of use in one of the properties owned by Nyfosa’s subsidiaries, in connection with use of Nyfosa’s whistleblower function or otherwise are in contact with Nyfosa. More information about Nyfosa’s whistleblower function can be found here. Nyfosa is committed to your privacy and to protecting the personal data we process about you. All processing of personal data takes place in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and other applicable privacy protection law.

Your privacy is important to Nyfosa and you are therefore encouraged to read the information that concerns you about the processing of your personal data.


Nyfosa AB, reg. no. 559131-0833 (“Nyfosa“) is the data controller for the processing of your personal data as described in this privacy notice.

If you have entered into, or applied to enter into, a lease agreement with one of Nyfosa’s subsidiaries (a real estate company) (the “Landlord“), Nyfosa and the Landlord are joint data controllers for the processing of your personal data. This also applies if you enter into another type of agreement (such as agreements for a parking space or another type of right of use (Sw. nyttjanderätt), or other forms of agreements) with one of Nyfosa’s subsidiaries (the “Subsidiary“). The Subsidiary/Landlord and Nyfosa have agreed on the allocation of responsibility for the processing of your personal data. If you want to know more about the Subsidiary’s/Landlord’s and Nyfosa’s division of responsibility, you can contact Nyfosa via the contact details stated below under Section Contact us.


Personal data is any information that can be directly, or indirectly together with other data, linked to a living natural person. Processing of personal data means any activity performed on your personal data, such as the collection, management, storage, use, transfer, or erasure of your personal data.

The personal data that is processed about you is partly data that you yourself provide to Nyfosa or the Subsidiary/Landlord, partly data Nyfosa or the Subsidiary/Landlord creates itself, and partly data that is obtained from other sources, for example from public registers or through Nyfosa’s whistleblower function.


If you represent a company

You as a private individual


Processors of personal data who process personal data on behalf of Nyfosa/Subsidiaries

In order to fulfil the purposes of the processing of your personal data as set out above under Section under “If you represent a company/You as a private individual” Nyfosa/the Subsidiary/the Landlord will share personal data with service providers and other actors who will process your personal data on behalf of Nyfosa/the Subsidiary/the Landlord in the capacity of data processor. Such data processors may be, for example, a contractor who will repair something on your premises, a company that provides internet or electricity, or a supplier of IT systems. Nyfosa/the Subsidiary/the Landlord always enters into agreements with data processors to ensure that they only process your personal data in accordance with the instructions and purposes communicated by Nyfosa/the Subsidiary/the Landlord.

Disclosure of personal data to other data controllers

Purpose Categories of recipients Legal basis
Comply with legal obligations and respond to the interest of public authorities in the processing.
To establish, defend or exercise legal claims.
  • Public authorities (e.g. the tax authority and the police authority)
Legal obligation. The disclosure of your personal data is necessary for Nyfosa/the Subsidiary/the Landlord to fulfil our legal obligations.

Legitimate interest. The disclosure is necessary to meet the authority’s legitimate interest in the processing in question.

To establish, defend or exercise legal claims.
  • Courts
  • Authorities (e.g. the police or the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Sw. Socialstyrelsen) in case of a concern)
  • External advisors
  • Insurance companies
  • Counterparties
Legitimate interest. The disclosure is necessary to enable Nyfosa/the Subsidiary/the Landlord to satisfy the legitimate interest of being able to establish, defend or exercise legal claims.

Transfer of personal data outside the EU/EEA

Generally, your personal data is only processed within the EU/EEA. Should Nyfosa/the Subsidiary/the Landlord in any situation have a service provider that provides services from a country outside the EU/EEA and if this would mean that your personal data is processed in a country outside the EU/EEA, Nyfosa/the Subsidiary/the Landlord ensures that there is a legal basis for such transfer. Nyfosa/the Subsidiary/the Landlord also ensures, when necessary, that additional technical and organizational measures are taken to further protect the personal data that is the subject of the transfer.


You have several rights in relation to the processing of your personal data. You may at any time submit a request to exercise these rights by contacting Nyfosa at the contact details set out below.

  • Right to object to processing. You have the right to object to your personal data being processed on the basis of our legitimate interest. In that case, Nyfosa must either show that there are decisive legitimate reasons for continuing the processing, which outweigh your interests, or stop the processing. You can always contact Nyfosa to get more information about the balance of interests that has been made.
  • Right to access. You can at any time request a free copy of your personal data processed and information on how it has been collected, used, shared, etc.
  • Right to erasure. You have the right to request the erasure of your personal data if it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, or if there is no legal basis for processing the data.
  • Right to rectification. You have the right to request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete data about yourself.
  • Right to restriction of processing. You have the right to request that the processing of your personal data should be restricted until inaccurate data has been rectified or your objection has been resolved.
  • Right to withdraw consent. If you have given your consent to the processing of personal data, you always have the right to withdraw your consent.
  • Right to data portability. If personal data has been collected directly from you and the legal basis for the processing is agreement or consent, you have the right to ask to receive your personal data in a commonly used machine-readable format, as well as the right to request that the personal data should be transferred to another controller.
  • Right to complain. If you are not satisfied with the processing of your personal data, you always have the right to complain to “Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten” which is the supervisory authority in Sweden for personal data processing and data protection.

When Nyfosa receives a request to exercise a right, Nyfosa will investigate your request and assess whether the conditions are fulfilled to grant the request. Nyfosa will notify you by email if Nyfosa (i) needs additional information, (ii) if your request is rejected (and why), or (iii) grants your request.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact Nyfosa at [email protected].


Nyfosa may change or update this privacy notice from time to time. The latest version of the privacy notice is always available on Nyfosa’s website In case of changes that are significant and require your consent, Nyfosa will inform you of this and ask for your consent.


If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please send an email to [email protected]. You can also reach Nyfosa at: Nyfosa AB, Box 4044, 131 04 Nacka.