The nomination committee comprises the chairman of the board of directors and representatives appointed by the largest shareholders in accordance with an instruction resolved by the annual general meeting.
In accordance with general meeting’s resolution, Nyfosa’s nomination committee comprises the chairman of the board of directors and four representatives appointed by the largest shareholders in terms of number of votes as per July 31. The chairman of the nomination committee is the member representing the largest shareholder, if the members haven´t resolved otherwise. The chairman of the board of directors can however never be appointed as chairman of the nomination committee. The names of the members of the nomination committee are presented on the company’s website no later than six months before the annual general meeting.
The nomination committee’s tasks include preparing a proposal for the annual general meeting regarding the following resolutions:
- number of directors of the board and auditors,
- chairman of the general meeting,
- election of directors and chairman of the board,
- remuneration to the board of directors (distributed between the chairman and the other directors as well as remuneration for work on committees),
- election of auditor,
- remuneration to the auditor, and
- proposal to amend the instruction to the nomination committee, if decided necessary.
The following instruction to the nomination committee was adopted by the annual general meeting on May 9, 2019 and is valid until the general meeting decides otherwise.