The Board of Directors

David Mindus


Year of birth: 1972

Board member since: April 25, 2023.
Chairman of the Board since: April 23, 2024.

Education and professional experience: Master in Business Administration, Stockholm University. CEO of AB Sagax since 2004.

Other ongoing assignments: CEO and Board member of AB Sagax. Board member of Hemsö Fastighets AB, Söderport Property Investment AB (including other group companies) and Mindustri AB (including other group companies).

Shareholding in the company as of May 31, 2024 (incl. any shares held by related parties): David Mindus owns 16.8% of the capital and 29.1% of the votes in AB Sagax, which in turn holds 45,000,000 shares in Nyfosa.

Dependent in relation to the company, Group Management and the company’s major shareholders. Not independent in relation to the company, the group management or the company’s major shareholders.

Maria Björklund


Year of birth: 1970

Board member since:
April 23, 2024

Education and professional experience:
Master of Science in Economics from the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg. Previous experiences include Head of Alternative Investments at the Third AP Fund, portfolio manager at Postens Pensionsstiftelse properties, infrastructure, and private equity (1998-2015), and AMF alternative investments, alternative interest-bearing (2015-2017) as well as several board assignments in i.a. Hemsö Fastighets AB, Trophi Fastighets AB (publ), Trenum AB (publ), Fastighets AB Regio and Polhem Infra AB.

Other ongoing assignments:

Maria has no other ongoing assignments.

Shareholding in the company as of April 23, 2024 (incl. any shares held by related parties):

Independent in relation to the company, group management and the company’s major shareholders.

Marie Bucht Toresäter

Board member

Year of birth:

Board member since: May 7, 2018

Education and professional experience: Master in Business Administration, Uppsala University. Previous experience from senior positions at, inter alia, Headlight International AB, Skanska ID, NCC Property Development Nordic AB and Newsec Advice AB.

Other ongoing assignments: CEO of Novier AB, Novi Real Estate AB, Nordier Property Group AB, Norvier Property Advisors AB and Board member of MVB Holding AB and Novier Leasing & Development AB.

Shareholding in the company as of March 31, 2024 (incl. any shares held by related parties): 5,156

Independent in relation to the company, group management and the company’s major shareholders.

Ulrika Danielsson

Board member

Year of birth: 1972

Board member since:
April 23, 2024

Education and professional experience:
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg. Previous experience as CFO at Atrium Ljungberg (2021-2024), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Castellum (2014-2021) and board member of John Mattson Fastighetsföretagen AB (2018-2023) and Slättö Förvaltning AB (2018-2022).

Other ongoing assignments:
Board member of Pandox Aktiebolag and Infranord AB.

Shareholding in the company as of April 23, 2024 (incl. any shares held by related parties):

Independent in relation to the company, group management and the company’s major shareholders.



Jens Engwall

Board member

Year of birth:

Board member since:
November 15, 2017

Education and professional experience:
Master of Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Previous experience as the founder and CEO of Nyfosa AB and Hemfosa Fastigheter AB, CEO of Kungsleden AB and experience from the property sector through, inter alia, previous positions at Skanska AB.

Other ongoing assignments: Board member of Bonnier Fastigheter AB, Chengde Intressenter AB, Kveldhus AB, Nordic Mezzanine Capital I AB, Hemfosa Gård AB and Hemfosa Islandshästar AB.

Shareholding in the company as of June 13, 2024 (incl. any shares held by related parties): 3,004,249

Not independent in relation to the company and group management. Independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders.


Per Lindblad

Board member

Year of birth:

Board member since:
May 7, 2018

Education and professional experience: Master of Science in Agriculture Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala. Previous experience from inter alia senior positions at SEB.

Other ongoing assignments: CEO of Landshypotek Bank Aktiebolag, Chairman of Lyckås Aktiebolag and Board member of Dina Försäkring AB, Swedish Bankers’ Association and the Cooperatives Economic Association Sweden.

Shareholding in the company as of March 31, 2024 (incl. any shares held by related parties): 10,000

Independent in relation to the company, group management and the company’s major shareholders.


Board member

Year of birth:

Board member since:
April 19, 2022

Education and professional experience: Master of Business Administration at the Stockholm School of Economics and Advanced Management Program at INSEAD, in France. Previous experiences as interim finance and finance director, senior advisor, CFO and head of Investor Relations at JM AB. Previous experience also includes positions as Chief Controller Asia, CFO Malaysia and Regional Controller Asia in the Ericsson Group.

Other ongoing assignments: CEO and Board member of Anders Bodin Fastigheter AB. Chairman of the Board of JM @ Home AB and a Board member of Concentric AB and CM Åkesson AB.

Shareholding in the company as of March 31, 2024 (incl. any shares held by related parties): 7,500

Independent in relation to the company, group management and the company’s major shareholders.