Sustainability policy including Environmental policy

Every year, Nyfosa’s Board adopts the company’s sustainability policy and other related policies. The sustainability policy describes the framework for Nyfosa’s responsibilities in the relationships created in operations. Good business ethics and trusting relations are important starting points both internally and in contacts with external parties. Nyfosa’s employees play a key role in alerting us if they suspect someone in operations is violating the company’s ethical guidelines.


In addition, Nyfosa has established a code of conduct for employees that clarifies the values and principles that guide Nyfosa in its role as an employer. It also clarifies the role of Nyfosa’s employees in relation to each other, tenants, suppliers, partners and the society.


You can find Nyfosa’s environmental policy (in Swedish) here
You can find Nyfosa’s code of conduct for employees (in Swedish) here

Sustainability Report

Nyfosa has selected to report parts of its sustainability agenda in accordance with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards 2021 (GRI Standards) prepared by the Global Sustainability Standards Boards (GSSB). Climate-related financial disclosures are presented according to the Task Force On Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Annual Report including Sustainability Report